Scripting – Delete Files and Folders Older Than X Days | Removing files / folders older than X days. This post contains a batch file, and a Powershell script that will do this. Batch File: @echo off :: set folder path set dump_path=c:\shares\dump :: set min age of files and folders to delete set max_day
How to Delete Files Older than X Days on Windows For those with Vista+ or the Windows Resource Kit, Here is a method using RoboCopy::: Create an empty temp directory and purge all files and folders in the current directory that are younger than 5 days old.:: See RoboCopy /? for all of the available opti
Delete files older than x-days - Cleanup Script Script to delete files older than x-days. The script is built to be used as a scheduled task, it automatically generates a log file based on the copy location and the current date/time. There are various levels of logging available.
Sudeep's Domain - SSIS - Delete files in a folder older than a specified number of days - Sudeep Raj Scenario: How to delete files created a number of days before today. The files will have the date appended to the file name and we will not check the file properties to decide the file age. The file name would follow the naming convention: File_mmddyyyy.t
MS SQL Server :: Delete Files Older Than 3 Days Using SSIS Tasks Deleting Backup Files Older Than 5 Days Old. I am using the backup task and backing up a database but want to delete all backup files older than 5 days old. I am using the file task for this and have built the path in a variable but am trying to use a wil
Powershell delete files in subfolder older than 30 days with out deleting subfolders The Official Scripting Guys Forum! Question 8 6/15/2010 9:23
batch/scripts file fro deleting files older than X days Thanks for your reply. My directoy path is say : c:\websphere\applogs and inside applogs there are several sub direcotries. My intention is not to delete the directories and subdirectories, directory structure should remain the same,but the logs f
Delete old user profiles and files automatically in Windows 7 Group Policy setting Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart in Windows 7 will let you autmatically delete old profiles, files, folders. ... Staring with Windows Vista a new Group Policy setting was introduced : Delete
Local File Purge DOS Batch Script: Delete Files Older Than X Days ... 26 Nov 2013 ... A need arose that proved a file deletion script for files older than 30 days was needed, but it needed to ...
Batch file to delete files older than x days » My World 10 Nov 2010 ... @Echo Deleting files older than 30 days. ... So this will basically search for any file(s) older than 30 days ( based ... Uncategorized and tagged dos batch delete files older than x days.